The Chronicles - the photo evidence

Saturday, April 22, 2006

moving on up

One reason for lack of posting recently is because of the great move (and exams)... so I thought I'd share the steps of the move with you guys, only fun parts I promise. I'd share exams but studying doesn't produce many photos, a few but not many. More to come on that later. A 'best of' is also in the works.

Let us begin. This is what the apartment we are in right now used to look like:
holy moly batman

we've been robbed
This is what it looks like post-movers. That couch in the middle is the one that we found in the trash last year and took it up for lack of better options until we got big brown, the most amazing cord couch ever, but we had to part with her for the year. Anyway, sit on that shady ass couch at your risk.

next door
Roommate J's room before, I didn't adjust anything, the room was that pink.

While packing up her bed, she found this, which is all that remains of our little buddy.

That sounds highly illogical, sir. Shut up.

Does anyone have a photo of my room? I can't find any of my actual room, just here are some things you can expect to see in my digs.

Sort of what my bed looked like. If you look carefully, you will notice my Mexican curtain. There used to be laterns up there and some posters. I can't find any photos of my room. geez. so email me if you have pics of my room!

some stuff I usually had on my bed (you know, map, german dictionary, notes, clipboard and a book with a swastika on it - it was about the holocaust, I'm not nuts)....and yes I have other bed spreads, I just probably took those pics the same day.

When packing up my stuff, I realised that all I own is books and papers and some other random stuff. Here is a pile of most my dictionaries. Why do I have a PILE?! Cripes.

Suh sushi! Or my pet fish, who knows? They're in a plastic container next to me now, until I can fill up the tank.

The view...

Now that you've seen my stuff, let's see it packed up....the following are various boxes that my roommate and I packed.

What every Western girl needs.

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So, "Magical Mystery Tour" by the Beatles, German grammar text book "Kladeiskop," photos and a map of Michigan. Whatever it is that you're up to, I want no part of it.

That little box is my obscene amount of postcards, some photos and stationary.

Some products that Jenna owns. Let me be the first to say: holy crap! I mean I shared a bathroom for 2 years and I knew she had a lot of stuff, but wow! Bonus points for me for getting my feet in the shot.

By far the heaviest box.

The packing process is hell:

With all the excitement, Jenna even got trapped in a cage...yes that wasn't funny. That's Wally, s/he is coming with us! (we can't figure out the hamster's gender).. seriously, how depressing is that photo?

Maggie is going with Trace, who's taking off this year. byeee Trace! it was nice living with you for a year!

Ahem...we all get excited sometimes.

so since last week my bed was moved over to the new place, I spent a few nights there but then due to my exam schedule had to come back to sleep at my old place...

My room now. (my curtain by the way is a table cloth that my cousin brought back from South America for my mom, I have a matching purse)

Join me next week when we make it to the new apartment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL "assorted leather get-ups" love ittt


Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:38:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww, what happened to the toy bunny?!?! :(

ps: do u guys have my curtains/curtain rod from Tracey's room??? I might need it in a week ...

Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:26:00 p.m.  

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