The Chronicles - the photo evidence

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Grande Finale

Saturday, March 4

We began our day with a hearty breakfast (read: bagel) outside the American Museum of Natural History, I think that's the right title, we kept calling it other things.

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Gnaaaarrr...I (heart) Ann. She's so awesome, don't you agree? Karen is awesome for capturing Ann's awesome moment.

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Ann went in search of Ginette and I was really tired so hobo mode went into high gear:
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Ashley looks like a celebrity or something.

We figured that Ann would wait for Ginette and the rest of us would go wander around and we'd meet up at the planetarium.

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Water buffalo in their natural habitat. Water buffalo was a question raised between me and my brother earlier in the week and it is also the name of my mp3 player.

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Penguins anyone?

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For the life of me, I cannot remember what this is.

Meanwhile, Ginette and Ann do the same thing...
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At this point we meet up with Ann and Ginette and go to watch the planetarium show narrated by Robert Redford...we were not impressed.

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Learn children, learn. Why haven't I been arrested yet??

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Gazelle? I'm not sure why, I know a lot of obscure animals but the identification of regular ones escapes me.

Once we got to the dinozore (yes, yes I say it funny) section, the signs/labels were far more entertaining than the exhibits themselves. Well not really, but...
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"Where are these from? I'm scared"

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This about the time that infamous Dinosaur incident took place:

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I saw this guy back in Matapedia on that road trip from Rimouski. One of his smaller cousins might have been the first to walk on land.

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Old man Mr. Turtle.

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woo. Canada.

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Ginette and Ann.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket scape. I get that soon. soon...but nothing like that.

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You can kind of see the rest of the kids sitting on the other side of that...behind the umm..whatever those spiked up things are.

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Artsy. Deep. Tear.

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Umm.. I think at this point we went shopping downtown.

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Victoria's Secret.

No one of us found anything particularly exciting.
Ginette's friends Sarah and Clark (I remember their names!) met up with us at Victoria's Secret and left with Ginette.

Then we began walking towards umm.. TAO because Ann and Ashley wanted to check it out. On the way down, Karen and I got super exhausted and opted to stop at the Trump Towers for some coffee while they kept walking.

We climbed up to the Starbucks and found out that the restroom (hahah "restroom") was in the basement.. so we had to go all the way back down.

In the meantime, Ashley and Ann are off trying to find FAO Schwarz.
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And pretending that they went in.

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Back to Team Ridiculous Little Children: On the way up, we began speaking with the doorman, trying to convince him to let us go up and walk around. No dice.
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Instead, he let me pose as a door person.

We began to wander around the rest of the lobby when team A showed up.
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You're all class Mr. Trump.

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Karen and I go to the Starbucks while Ann and Ashley go to the washroom.
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We get some drinks and convince, using our ahem, charm to score some pretty cheap cookies. Cookie fieeend?

Ann and Ashley return and go to get drinks and we hear giggling from both sides of the counter...and they come back about 15 minutes later:
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They return with this thing, which at the time was a sealed box of chai latte bars! Way to show us up Team A.

After that rest, we headed to Little Italy (take 2) for dinner.. our last evening in NYC.
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Us on some street somewhere.. Eeeeeyy!

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dinner! it was amazing food. It was just sooo nice to have some real food.

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oh yeah wine. This is where I got pretty drunk (1 glass red wine=drunky drunky) and I may have gone to the men's washroom and made a whole spectacle of myself in front of the restaurant staff.

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That may not look like much but it was about $200. Apparently I live like a drug dealer. I looked like a 12-year-old after their first glass of wine ever.

After a ridiculous dinner... Karen and Ashley bought shoes from some small store still open and then we were off to dessert.

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NYC Cheesecake. Ann knew all the typical things to do in NYC. Look how weird and lanky my hand looks. eww.

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How creepy am I? That's Karen and Ann eating cake. I needed some air. I love you red wine but you do some weird things.

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After that...
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Ann and Karen bought a cigar from this man, whose wife is from TO. He seriously had a torch.

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Then we did this for a while.

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This seemed clever at the time.

We went to the Bowery Poetry bar after that... some place we'd passed by on the bus. We were pleasantly surprised with the fact there's no cover. It was about midnight or a bit past at this point...and the poetry was just beginning. We don't have any photos because we were floored the whole time. We got a pitcher and began to drink...
first up.. a really spacy guy singing about love.
second...a very poetic woman reciting well written poetry about her poo.
third.. poetry about star wars in comparison to the american government, which was dedicated to us canadians
intermission while the next person set up.. the MC wanted to dance, tried to get me to go up and dance.. and the end result of that was her coming up to me, humping me and beginning the chant "humping hana, humping hana." Thankfully, none of my friends came to my rescue or got a pic of this! C'mon guys!
fourth...leprachan lady rapping about her shamrock.
I don't really remember anything past that..

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We caught a cab back to the hostel and got in around 3:30... I got to bed sometime after 4:00, only to wake up at 5:00 to catch our train at 7:00. Ooof.

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Ugggh Amtrak.

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So long New York.



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