The Chronicles - the photo evidence

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A whole lotta fun

Last Friday night, April 28th, a few friends and I got together to celebrate:

1. Care got into dentistry school at McGill

2. Keren was done another co-op term, this time at GE

3. Lily's 22nd birthday, which was 2 weeks earlier. Happy Birthday Lily!

4. I got a real job

to be sad about:

1. Care spending the summer in Montreal

2. Keren going to school in Waterloo

3. Lily staying in the GTA

4. Me going to the middle of nowhere.

*all of us being apart for the entire summer!

this all adds up to: a lot of booze and fun!!!

The goal of the evening: all four members of this troupe were to be drunk.

The evening began around 5:55 pm, when I found out that Keren was going to be late going home, so I was late picking up Carolyn. We went to Keren's house to have dinner with her and her dad. She wasn't there for the first 20 mintues, so we made conversation with her dad. I am convinced he has a Spanish accent in English, even though Keren says otherwise, so that was mildly entertaining to me. Over dinner, and a delicious mango salad (not pictured!) we discussed how Keren's lunch with her boss the following week would be about him telling her that she cannot come within 100 metres of the GE property.

After dinner, which was tasty, thanks Keren's dad (and mom? did she cook too?), we came to my place and changed and began to wrap Lily's present.

Care modelling some over the proposed beverages.

Apparently we take our sweet ass time, because before we managed to get one drink down, Lily came over - she had to work Friday night and couldn't make it to dinner.

Keren grabbing at some of Lily's birthday present: some sweet coolers. Oh yeah, the birthday present theme: pink. We got her some pink chocolate (pink box) and a pink Care Bear.

Here is where the fun begins.

Getting some lovin'

It wasn't me this time.

The best "wine" ever. I swear. This photo really demonstrates how much class the evening had, very little to none, a fair summary of the evening.

See my point?

Why do you build me up buttercup? Just to let me down... (notice in the background how I still haven't unpacked)

So after some fun, fun times at my place, we headed down the street to London Pub, y'know that classy joint. At this point, we were all quite uhh intoxicated. Things just went downhill from there.

Mmmm... bud light. By the way, if that jacket looks familiar to you, it's because it's mine.

Let's pretend to be sober. This is the only decent photo I have all night...That shirt was borrowed from Lily and showed a lot more than it did when I initially tried it on, or even noticed while wearing it. eeps.

Lils getting some lovin' ...mmm yeah. There's a whole series of these, and I'm sure no one wants to see them. There's also a series, correction, several series of Keren taking self portraits of herself, cept she never gets her face...ahem.

Wakey wakey.... one more hit.

Classic "for the girls" shot. There's a shot with this guy, where he looks horribly embarrassed that his dad/uncle/whoever made him do it...oh wait, here it is:

Our cue to leave, we couldn't get one pitcher down between the four of us.

Serious sleeping.

The next day we headed downtown for an unsuccessful day of shopping, but I got a duffle/hiking bag for my trip and ended up walking around downtown with a hiking-type bag. We got lunch at this cool deli, which fit everyone's criteria:
-Keren set the pace
-name had one syllable.

Hope you enjoyed this folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did we all notice the hockey player in that "dad/uncle/whoever" shot?


Friday, May 05, 2006 9:40:00 a.m.  

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