The Chronicles - the photo evidence

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Last Lecture

I've been working on this post for 3 weeks. The last month has been rather busy and so I haven't had any time to post anything.

Thursday, March 31

This is an evening we are still talking about over a month later. There were so many ridiculous aspects to it that it's hard to know where to begin. Let's begin by explaining last lecture. It's a classy evening where you are supposed to meet your graduating class and hear an inspirational speech. This year the speech was given by the CEO of Habitat for Humanity. After this part of the evening, everyone goes to Joe Kool's to continue the quiet evening of classy mingling. This description does not resemble in any way what actually took place.

The particular date was also the date of the French Club's elections and Wine and Cheese, so Jen had some obligations, no problem, we could do both. 7:00-8:00 wine and cheese, and 8:00-9:00 Last Lecture. I met up with Natalie at 6:50.. only 5 minutes late thanks to roomie Jenna for driving me, only to find that NK had left her ticket to last lecture at home. We arrived to the wine and cheese at about 7:20, to meet up with Jen, Albert, Adam (French class buds hah) & co. Thanks to Jen's roommate Carmen for getting us in as her guests..

Wine & Cheese was held at The Wave...the campus "dance club"/restaurant. Really, no one goes there after first year's floor dinner OR the random Metric concert of last year.

Albert and Jen, Albert is modelling Jen's lovely clutch.

Albert, you're so classy.

After a few glasses of wine... we decided it was time to jet.

Running late as per always, we didn't make it to last lecture until after 8:30 and walked into the Great Hall just as the closing speaker finished his speech. Way to go team! We got our wristbands and our complementary drink, found a table and some people we knew.

L-R. Adam, Al, Danielle, Natalie (NK) - the latter two being two fellow linguists.

HAHA Adam.

Karen! Look at her all classed up. She said the speech was nice and that we made a scene when we all walked in.

Rick McGhee begins to play and it's a nice atmosphere while we get progressively drunker.

French linguists.. sorta. Jen, Georgie, me, NK.

There was a whole series of these pics... Karen, Ashley and some of their ex-floor mates doing something.

Carmen, Albert, his purse, Yuen, Jen (Jen & her roommates).

While Last Lecture is breaking up, we start heading to the buses to take us downtown. We manage to lose everyone during this 10 metre walk, but somehow we all end up at the back of the same bus with some new friends.

Me, Jen and Adam (who tagged along even though he isn't graduating this year.. haha).

Danielle, Al, Natalie.. Check, we're all here and plastered.

Go Team fake-french club members (yellow wristbands)! and Last Lecturers(purple)!

We arrive at Joe Kool's no problem and get the upstairs seating area to ourselves pretty much. First order of business: more beer! (Drink count: 4 glasses wine, 1 beer).

Jen and her friend/acquaintance Preston. I wouldn't have remembered that if it weren't for him writing this for facebook purposes. Haha.

How trashed are we?? Actually, I think it's around now that we're figuring out that we're all going to do the French 243 online midterm together that weekend. We get drunk and talk exams.

It only gets worse from here.


I love Adam's sneak attack thumbs-up.


This is Will. He's an acquaintance of Preston's from first year. None of us really knew him and he just came along with us, the more the merrier, right? Oof. You'll hear more about him later.

Yeah we're so great! French! woo! Really, that's what we were saying. We're such nerds.

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NK, Jen, Preston, Yuen, Carmen.

It was around here that I noticed that Will had taken a liking to me, but I wasn't interested so I wasn't worried, I figured that'd be obvious... Check me out sucking out Nat's soul.

I was also trashed. Why does it look like I'm giving Al a piggyback ride?

At some point, I went to get drinks for me and Adam and came back like this:

Some dude accidentally elbowed me. Thanks to Jen for snapping this.

Then Will did this:

Which everyone and I thought was hilarious at the time but later realised that he was pretty much claiming me or something.

Shortly thereafter, Adam fell off his chair, knocking over my beer and breaking the glass and falling on the floor. He went downstairs to go the bathroom and fell down the whole flight of stairs and subsequently got kicked out of the bar. What to do now? Jen's roommates jetted and the rest of us began wandering Richmond Row... only to end up at Ceeps, which was dead, but we stayed anyway. The whole walk, Will kept trying to put his arms around me and NK. ergh.

so not impressed...

Yeaaaah! Sorry, I just think we look hilarious when drunk.

Preston bought a pitcher and..

Preston bought us a pitcher and..

We played flip cup.

The teams were 4 to 3 and team Adam-Jen-Hana still won!

NK taking one for the team by distracting Will. Thanks NK.

Awww... you know I'm drunk when I start kissing/hugging. Oy.

HAHA. Nat's so great.

A Moment of sobriety?

Out of nowhere, Adam yells, "let's go play pool." So we did.

Jen and Albert vs Hana and Adam. Longest, toughest game ever, since we were all waaay too trashed to do anything.

Everyone kept trying to join our game. At this point, Will had his arms all over me between my turn to shoot and I didn't really notice that it was that bad until he went to get me a drink and Albert said that he was all over me and I said I didn't know what to do.

Where did my neck/face go?!

Albert then said he needed to talk to me and we went to go dance with Jen. Things were fun again.. until Adam got us another pitcher and I kept drinking. Everyone went to the bathroom and Will sat down next to me and asked me to look at him, I said "huh?" and he kissed me... Then I knew it was trouble. Shortly thereafter Adam got kicked out again, so we opted to get some food. Will tried to grab my hand again and I was freaking out, so Albert took my hand and walked away. Thanks Al!!

We went to some schwarma place and began talking to some guy in line.

my camera is pretty nifty, eh?

Will continued to be an ultimate creeper, so I sat as far away as I could.

This is what drunk people look like when they're eating? Adam was being hilariously drunk, I was enjoying it.

We ended up walking Jen home and then walked to Albert's to get a cab. Will "tricked" me (aka I was too drunk to do otherwise) into giving him my number, stupid me. Eventually we lost Preston and Will and it was Adam, Albert, NK and me at Al's waiting to call a cab. We hung out for a while playing with the super cute guinea pigs. The next day I was super, super, super hung over, to the point that I didn't make it to 9:30 class I'd been waiting for all year: course evals for l'ancien francais. Damn it.

Saturday, Will actually called me! Being half quick on my feet I told him that I wasn't home and he was creepy and asked for my cell, which an actual roommate wouldn't have anyway. He called back later and I said that I didn't know where I was or when I'd be home. It was quite hilarious, I even told him that Amy was speaking. Genius kiddo.

That's the end of that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear...

Hana, you know that wet stain (that's what she said!) on your shirt was ALL YOU!

Bravo on so eloquently summarizing a fabulous night.

Thank you?
Je vous en fucking prie.


Monday, June 11, 2007 7:50:00 p.m.  

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