The Chronicles - the photo evidence

Monday, May 28, 2007

April was Ridiculous.

April was a pretty busy month for me, so busy that it started March 31..

Saturday, March 31/Sunday, April 1
Ann's birthday! woo.
It started with a completely non-vegetarian bbq, as in the salad wasn't even vegetarian. Then we went to this English pub for drinks. Having just recovered from Last Lecture, I wasn't too keen on drinking, but ah well.

This is Ann kicking two boy's asses at an Irish Car bomb. Yeah Ann. Another reason I love Ann.

After that we went to Downtown Kathy Brown's where I wasn't too into it. It's a retro bar full of people who don't release it's music of the past. I left with the first ride I could get and came home to get a text from Nelson asking me where I was! Dude, we gotta plan better.

Monday, April 2: Passover
Rachel and I were stranded in London for Passover, ok well I went home for the second night, and decided that we should do something. We'd been contemplating this since we met pretty much and it finally was time. After class, we met up and went to the only store we knew that would have some kosher food, it had little to offer us.

We went back to my place to get some extra supplies and then to Fried's place to get cooking.

Step one, put everything on the counter.

Matzah balls!

Fried being ultra cool while chopping potatoes.

Then I threw out the surprise:

Max Steel was joining us for dinner. Him and Rachel got along famously.

Rachel was in love with Max Steel.

You can see why.

Pre-ovened potatoes.

Secret Passover brownies.

Eventually I finished making the 'zo balls.

"Oh my God it's Passover!!!! YES!"

The bottom says: "The Matzohs with the taste"

ahahah. Jews.

Artsy Matzo ball soup.

The dinner settings.


Fried's friend was without Passover dinner, so we fed him via broadband.

Yummy soup! As I said on facebook, I look super Jewish here.

Main course...oh yeah and Rachel touching herself.

Dessert. Yes.

Saturday, April 7
Wanting to have a break from life and school, Karen and Rachel and I decided that it was time for a night out. There was still snow on the ground and exams ahead, but hey, we needed a drink.

Karen came over to my place, where we got ready and headed over to Fried's. We drank there, I drank more than the others since they kept pouring more and more various things into my innocent orange juice. Yum. So I was much less than sober.

We ended up going to 29 Park.

We met up/ran into Umber there.

Then we went to dance.

How drunk are we?

What we failed to realise was that the guy to girl ratio at 29 is about 5:1, so we started to get swarmed.

Number 1.

Rach's first. We'd had enough of them shortly thereafter and steathily got out.

HAHA best. pic. ever.

ahah Rach.

Number 2. This guy wouldn't leave us alone... eventually we got rid of him, only to have him return with friends. It was hilarious for Rach and Karen, because they wouldn't come bail me out. I guess I just looked trashed and slutty.

so loved.

Trashed and sweaty.

Jam out. The whole time Karen was ruining people's photos.

Probably the only group of normal people there.

Karen feels bad about this one... I don't know why she would.

Thursday, April 12

Last dinner with roommates Amy and Jenna...we've been living together since 2004. It's an end of a short, short era.

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